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Solitaire - Terrace Solitaire v3

Περιγραφή: Play this popular and difficult version of solitaire.

Οδηγίες: At the start of this game 11 cards will be dealt as the reserve cards (also known as the terrace) and 4 cards will be dealt to the tableau (the bottom piles). First, you need to decide the base card of the foundation by dragging one of the cards to the foundation (the middle piles). After that, cards will be dealt to the empty tableau and the game starts. The object is to move all the cards to the foundation (built up in alternate colors, wrapping from K to A if necessary). The tableau piles should be built down in alternate colors (also wrapping from A to K if necessary). Empty tableau can only be filled by a card from the waste pile (the pile to the right of the covered stock pile). The reserve cards can only be moved directly to the foundation. You can click the stock pile to open a card and put in to the waste pile. When the stock cards are exhausted, you can flip the waste cards and deal again, but this time any card on the waste pile must be used immediately. If there are no valid moves, then the game is over.


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